Face Treatments
We know skin. Whether you are looking for results or a pamper, we’ve got you covered.
Every facial includes:
Double Cleanse
Appropriate after care including SPF
PLEASE NOTE: do not use acids 3 days before treatment as it limits what can be achieved. These include Glycolic Acid, Retinols, Salicylic or any product that makes your skin tingly.
Customised facial & skin consultation
with IMAGE Skincare. You pick the time and we do the rest.
BRONZE 30 mins £60. Includes at least 1 Advanced Facial Therapy
SILVER 45 mins £80 Includes at least 2 Advanced Facial Therapies
GOLD 60 mins £90 Includes at least 3 Advanced Facial Therapies
PLATINUM 75 mins £110 Includes at least 4 Advanced Facial Therapies
Advanced Facial Therapies include:
Steam - Clear Blocked Pores
Extraction - Black Head Removal
Enzyme Peels - Beautiful Glow
Chemical Peels - to reduce Pigmentation, Scarring, Acne & Wrinkles
Microdremabrasion - Deep Exfoliation for dry thick skin
Oxygen Treatments - Brightening
Dermaplanning - peach fuzz removal / exfoliation for product sensitive skin
Radio Frequency - Skin Tightening if you don’t want botox
Microcurrent - Muscle Tightening for sagging jowles, chin, brows and the list goes on!
Dermalux LED Light Therapy
Neck Treatment 45 mins £40
Basically a facial for the neck! For anyone who wants to seriously improve the neck only. This treatment includes:
Double cleanse, Exfoliation, Radion Frequency (Skin Tightening), Micro-Current (Muscle Tightening), Serum and Neck Cream.
Back Treatment 45 mins £50
This is a customised facial for the back! If you are looking to improve back acne, scarring or uneven skin texture, this treatment will help
Skin Needling - Cosmetic
Skin Needling - Medical
The most advanced form of needling on the market! If you are wanting to achieve serious skin results then this is the treatment for you. We can massively improve the texture of the skin, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, plump the skin, improve acne scarring and hyperpigmentation.
Hour Long Pamper
Pick this treatment, if you are in need of a pamper! A full hour of beautiful, relaxing cleansing moves, followed by massage and a face mask. Perfect for anyone who loves the pamper of a facial and has no skin issues.
Ready to make your appointment?
Please note: missed appointments or cancellation at short notice may incur a charge. View our cancellation policy here